Complex Model of Knowledge: Rethinking the Gnoseological Problem from New Representations

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Ignacio Salamanca Garay


In the medieval age and part of modernity, knowledge was explained through the formula called Adaequatio rei et intellectus. However, with the irruption of postmodernity, the death of meta-narratives, and the installation of new paradigms of thought, the epistemological problem was reconsidered from new elements, structures, and relationships. This article aims to propose a gnoseological model based on a complex thinking approach. The method lies in analyzing and integrating three postmodern theories: Cybernetic, Systems, and Complex theory. In conclusion, feedback is a fundamental concept that allows us to rethink this problem since it allows us to overcome the linear relationship between subject and object. In addition, it is stated that the paradigm of complexity can prefigure a new understanding of the construction of human knowledge since it can integrate and overcome traditional conceptions of knowledge. Finally, this work provides analytical references that allow rethinking knowledge from new representations.


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Salamanca Garay, I. (2023). Complex Model of Knowledge: Rethinking the Gnoseological Problem from New Representations. Cauriensia. Revista Anual De Ciencias Eclesiásticas, 18, 745–764.
Monographic Studies 2


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